Selecting a fantastic container for your container gardening project can be a task all by itself. Setting aside what plants you eventually will put in the vessel, choosing the right container can be time-consuming, combining aesthetic and practical considerations.
Come learn the perfect solution to that issue: hypertufa! You can make your own containers easily with a simple recipe, combining peat, perlite, and Portland cement.
We’ll share all that we know about hypertufa containers in a class on May 21st at 2:30 p.m. at our greenhouse. Learn to make a unique, eco-friendly, weather-resistant container. A couple of different shapes will be available for your container.
This is always a popular class at our greenhouse as we share this simple and satisfying process for homemade containers.
Call to pre-register (518-584-8555) or email [email protected]. Cost for materials is $35. Bring a pair of latex or plastic gloves.
– Suzanne Balet Haight